Wednesday 13 April 2011

Older but still none the wiser...

It all started a year ago today. This time 365 days ago, I pressed 'publish' on my first blog post and officially began my quest for journalistic fame. 

Starting out with zero page views and just one follower on Twitter, I never dreamt I could scratch the surface of the colossal and constantly expanding world wide web and make my tiny little blog stand out. However, a year and 25 blog posts later, I can finally see my work beginning to pay off and I've now got nearly 200 Twitter followers and well over 2,000 hits.

The past 12 months have been an emotional rollercoaster ride. I've felt elation every time I receive compliments on my blog - and when prolific journalists follow me on Twitter. I've felt frustration when it feels like I'm treading water and not getting anywhere. And I've felt rejection every time a job application  or email is ignored.

But if this industry has taught me anything it's to be persistent.

And what a difference a year makes!

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